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Tag: Work

How close are you to having everything online?

How close are you to having everything online?

I sleep well at night knowing that virtually all of my personal information is stored online.  Really, the only personal data that is not permanently stored online are my photo albums and my music collection.  However, these files are backed up nightly to a remote online server (iDrive).  I know that I can move the last of my data online without too much effort, but I really do not see a benefit. I sleep better knowing that my documents are stored on some of the best storage arrays, operated…

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Complex thinking on a simple problem, that had a simple solution

Complex thinking on a simple problem, that had a simple solution

Frustrations abound in the world of IT, and to be successful in this industry you must have a high tolerance or a bit of love/hate for it. My old manager loved to remind us that if you do not get frustrated while bug hunting or troubleshooting, you just weren’t thinking hard enough.  At times I agree with him, and at times the hard thinking is the crux of the problem. If the principles of “KISS” (Keep It Simple Stupid) are forgotten, it could cost…

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A study reports that 88% of IT staff would steal data if fired – Give me a break!

A study reports that 88% of IT staff would steal data if fired – Give me a break!

The “study”, conducted by Cyber-Ark, surveyed 300 network administrators that were attending a security conference, a little ironic if you think about it, and found that 88% of network administrators admitted that they would steal highly confidential information if terminated. According to Cyber-Ark’s homepage, “Cyber-Ark is the leader in securing and managing privileged identities and highly sensitive information.” I have a hard time believing corporate funded and executed research studies. These types of “studies” are rarely conducted in a sufficiently controlled and properly sampled environment. The questions are often…

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Departmental Procedures: Do they destroy efficiency and staff innovation?

Departmental Procedures: Do they destroy efficiency and staff innovation?

When I started my career, I hated following “procedures”. I still cannot stand the “well, this is the way we have always done it in the past” line of thinking. I felt that strictly dictated procedures smothered innovation and opportunities to increase productivity by turning people’s brains off. Over the last several years, I have changed into the object that I once despised…a “manager”. I am a little older and have managed a few more people since my early days…

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