Some great Blogging Tips

Some great Blogging Tips

I have been surfing around and attempting to decide on what I want to do with my blog hosting and I came a across a good article on “authority”, but I believe more than “authority”, it is just sound blogging advice. It is well worth the read.

Bloggers will often refer to other bloggers, and sometimes themselves, as the “authority” in their niche. Often people, both offline and online, compete to become the most “powerful” and respected person/company in respect to the entire group. In a sense, blogging is no different. Once you have transformed your once worthless blog into something that others can link back to and claim that what you know must be right, it is definitely a great position that others want to be in.”

This is an honest opinion as I have never even traded an e-mail or comment with Kevin. I was just impressed with his content, as I am with several other bloggers that I have recently discovered.

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